The sex life of the woodchuck is a provocative question for most vertebrate zoology majors.


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Beast is a variable display typeface, a modern reading of Gill and classic London Underground typefaces seen through the prism of Soviet neoclassicism. It’s prickly and toothy, so best put on a muzzle on it and wrap it in a blanket. But if you feed it, it becomes kinder. Just a tiny bit.

Beast feels comfortable in large headings, on logos, signs and posters.

Mixing of styles in phrases and words creates the effect of complete madness. And it doesn’t look like a fun circus with kittens, more like a bloodbath. You need to be ready for that when you choose Beast in the type menu.

The number of styles is endless, they can be used to create the most unexpected and wild compositions!

Beast includes fiercely expressive Cyrillic and Latin alphabets as well as case sensitive glyphs, special characters, fractions, superscript and subscript numbers.

Designer: Alexey Malkov

Format: OpenType

Project page

The personal license allows to use the typeface in personal non-profit projects. The license is issued to a private individual.

Suitable for

Personal non-profit projects (documents, invitations, advertisements, letters)

Personal website or portfolio

Corporate identity, website or application of a non-profit charity organization

Unsuitable for

Commercial design project of an organization of any size

Online store

Personal business documents

  1. Choose license duration:

  2. Choose required typeface styles:
Beast, Personal license

For any questions about licensing write at

The corporate license allows to use the typeface in any commercial projects. The license is issued to a company. If a designer is using the typeface in a project carried out for an organization, the organization must purchase a corporate license. The price of the license depends on the intended use of the typeface: in printed products, corporate identity or on a corporate website.

  1. Where will the typeface be used?

  2. Will the typeface be used in the design of corporate products and packaging, in outdoor advertising or menus?

  3. Approximate number of corporate products or packaging?

    Approximate number of copies of printed products?

  4. Number of products

  5. Choose license duration:

  6. Choose required typeface styles:
Beast, Corporate license

For any questions about licensing write at

Shipment and payment

We accept Visa and Mastercard as methods of payment. Purchases delivered by courier in Moscow, Russia can be paid for with cash.

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